About Eurowaste

Who is who?

Our team

Wilfried Verhaegen

Eurowaste nv CEO

Wilfried Verhaegen, the founder of Eurowaste nv, has more than 40 years of experience in waste management. As a chemical engineer, he has a passion for chemistry that he has continued to develop in the waste industry.

With his in-depth experience, Wilfried is very involved in developing and maintaining client relationships. He is constantly working to identify new processing options to better meet the needs of our clients.

Redouane Challouki

Redouane Challouki

Account Manager
Pierre Coulon

Pierre Coulon

Waste Stream Manager
Hans Koppen

“Nothing is black and white.”

Hans Koppen

Account Manager
John Eisendrath

John Eisendrath

Account Manager
Caroline De Moor

Caroline De Moor

WSR Expert
Eurowaste nv

Our history

1996 Eurowaste nv founded by Wilfried Verhaegen
1997 First international collaborations
2014 Obtained ISO 9001 certification
2016 Wilfried Verhaegen becomes a director of Denuo
2017 Obtained ISO 14001 certification
2021 Eurowaste nv turns twenty-five
2022 Eurowaste nv team expanded